Looking after our planet is big news and WE Bridge Academy is committed to doing its bit to help.
We’ve already taken a number of steps to reduce costs, recognise the value of the resources we use and implement ways to be more efficient. To continue our commitment, we are revising our Environmental Policy to show what we have done and what we plan to do to make a difference.
Here’s what we do already:
- Recycle all paper, card, plastics and clean, dry materials
- Removed plastic cups from the student lounge, encouraging students to use reusable water bottles
- We offer old furniture to neighbouring businesses free of charge
- We reuse textbooks, electronic equipment and academic resources
- We turn off lights when we leave a room and unplug non-essential electronic equipment at the end of each day
- Where possible, we share documents electronically rather than on paper
- If we really need to print, we do so in black and white
- We encourage our students and staff to walk or use public transport
- A 100% digital student application and enrolment process
In 2021 we will continue to:
- Buy resources for the Academy in bulk to reduce waste and multiple courier journeys
- Take steps to make our offices as near-paperless as possible
- Maintain a clear desk policy
- Store files digitally rather than on paper
- Make our Administration department 100% paper free
We have lots of exciting ideas to help us do our bit, so check back regularly to see our progress.